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Methods in Behavioural Research
Social Psychology (Fourth Edition)
The Biological Consequences of Socioeconomic Inequalities
Europe's Last Chance: Why the European States Must Form a More Perfect Union
Cohering the Integral We Space: Engaging Collective Emergence, Wisdom and Healing in Groups
Contemporary Perspectives on Jane Jacobs
Who Owns the Arctic?: Understanding Sovereignty Disputes in the North
The Politics of Memory: Transitional Justice in Democratizing Societies
Development, Democracy and Cohesion. Critical Essays with Insights on Sierra Leone and Wider Africa Contexts
Racial and Ethnic Groups
The Sociology Project: Introducing the Sociological Imagination
Handbook of Recidivism Risk / Needs Assessment Tools
Augmentative and Alternative Communication in Acute and Critical Care Settings
Hetero: Queering Representations of Straightness
Race and Racisms: A Critical Approach
Reading Development and Difficulties
Democracy in Modern Iran: Islam, Culture, and Political Change
Blood Brother: Jonathan Daniels and His Sacrifice for Civil Rights
Jung and the Shadow of Anti-Semitism: Collected Essays
American Naturalism and Greek Philosophy
Showdown in Desire: The Black Panthers Take a Stand in New Orleans
Colin Wilson's 'Occult Trilogy': A Guide for Students
Dear Diary, I'm Pregnant: Ten Real Life Stories
Against Liberalism