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Entrepreneurs and Public Policy (The International Library of Entreneurship) Volume 1&2
White Land, Black Labor: Caste and Class in Late Nineteenth-Century Georgia
Raw Material: Producing Pathology in Victorian Culture
The Making of America's First African American President: Barack Obama
Brexit: Why Britain Voted to Leave the European Union
Can Saul Alinsky Be Saved?: Jesus Christ in the Obama and Post-Obama Era
Computational and Mathematical Modeling in the Social Sciences
Elections in Japan, Korea, and Taiwan under the Single Non-Transferable Vote
The Forgotten Society: Lives Out of Sight in Nursing Homes, Prisons, and Mental Institutions: A Portfolio of 92 Drawings
Sociology (15th Edition)
Genocide of the Mind: New Native American Writing
Cahokia: Ancient America's Great City on the Mississippi
Youth at Risk and Youth Justice: A Canadian Overview
The Secret of the Golden Flower; A Chinese Book of Life
Ecce Homo: An Annotated Bibliographic History of Physical Anthropology
Messages: The Communications Skills Book
Gender, Justice, and the Wars in Iraq
Categories of the Impolitical
Is It Still Cheating If I Don't Get Caught?
African Struggles Today: Social Movements Since Independence
Rucker Park Setup
How to Think About Information
Weber, Passion and Profits: 'The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism'
Hell's Angels: A Strange and Terrible Saga